Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the answer to our most common questions. Here are some of the answer to our most common questions.

General Questions

Can I invest with Bitcoin?

Yes you can!  Your investment can be made with 100% Bitcoin.

If I invest with Bitcoin, can I get my returns in Cash

Whether yo invest with Bitcoin or Cash, you can receive your returns or dividends in Bitcoin or Cash, or a mixture of both

Will I have to manage my investment myself?

Not at all.  We do all the hard work for you, and send you your returns annually.

What returns can I expect?

Each red papaya tree can produce in excess of 80 kilos a season

Projected return US$6,000 to $12,000 per annum.

Please note! Subject to fluctuation from weather and market conditions. Trees can produce 40-110 pieces of fruit per season

What are the health benefits of Paw Paws?
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What are the medical benefits of Paw Paws?
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Does Vanuatu allow investors from overseas?

Yes they do.  Call us for more details.  We are an agricultural strata title lease.  This title is saleable and transferable.

Our Services

Primary Service

We are a share farmer company, and we organise the clearing of the land, the survey of the land, the planting of seed, the sale of the product and packaging.